Monday, November 1, 2010

Pondering Points

I must apologize for not having a blog for the past couple of weeks.  I've been very engrossed with the political scene that has been unfolding.  I do not understand the Democrats that are in office.  It was reported that Nancy Pelosi would not even discuss how the two parties will work together if the Republicans take over control of the House in tomorrow's election.  Yesterday, they played a recorded message left by an Alaskan TV crew (who thought they had hung up, but the phone failed to disconnect) while they were planning a smear campaign against  the Tea Party Senate candidate, Joe Miller.  The manager of the station confirmed that the message was from their phone, but went on to say that it was misunderstood!  Yeah??  Really???   And, now the media that will even talk about it at all are saying that Palin made the whole thing up.  Hhhm...I think they better come up with something better than that!

Today's scandal and shennanigan that has come to light was a 30-minute ad paid for by Christine O'Donnell's camp never aired!  They had paid for it to be played twice, and it didn't air either time!  Those ads cost a lot of money and it is a disgrace that the TV stations can be that crooked!

I started out by saying that I don't understand the Democrats.  I honestly think that the biggest problem is that they have been in power too long!   I know it seems like I am picking on just the Democrats, but, I think the longer EITHER PARTY is in office, they more power-hungry they become and they need to be voted out!  None of them should ever be allowed to make politics a carreer!!!  They want that power so much that they are willing to change the rules just to please them!  Classic example:  They were changing the rules to let the illegal immigrants vote in the election!  Why?  Because they are counting on the fact that the illegal immigrants will vote for THEM!!!  That just may not be the it may come back to bite them in the butt!   At the same time they were "arranging" for the illegal immigrants to vote, they didn't want to allow the soldiers who are fighting for our rights the opportunity to vote!  WHY?  Same reason...they were afraid they would NOT  vote for them!!! 

OK, I have to get this off my chest!  I've heard Obama time and again talk about the ditch that George Bush ran us in to.  Excuse me, Mr. President...but the Democrats had control of the Senate and Congress during those last two years that Bush was in office!!!   The President can't do these things takes the whole group with votes!  And, that is exactly why we need to shift the power of the House to the Republicans!  Obama needs to have his hands tied and not make his Marxist policies he is trying to pass so easy!!!  We need the shift of power to pull this country back together after the Democrats have just about bankrupted us!  It is our grandchildren and great-grandchildren who are going to be paying for what is done now!  We have to have LESS government....starting NOW!!   I know some people don't know how that is...but, just think of the taxes that will have to be put into effect in order to pay our $13T debt!!!  Right now, we are looking at everyone having higher taxes...yes...even though Obama's promise was that those making less than $250K/year would not have one dime's increase in their taxes!  Well...the way things are scheduled to go right now, someone making $50,000/year, their taxes are scheduled to go up by $2900.00!!!  Sounds like a BARRELL of dimes to me!!! 

I just want to make one more point!  The biasness of the media has really had me bugged for a long time now.  My husband and I do not watch the mainstream media at all!  They don't report the whole story!  This is a fact!!!  Just as an example, here are two examples of how they reported the same thing, a) when Bush was in office and b) since Obama has been in office:

a)  There has been ONLY 128,000 jobs created....Report on the jobs while Bush was in office
b)  The has been only 163,000 jobs lost...Report on the jobs while Obama was in office

Second one:

a)  Unemployment has skyrocketed to 4.8%...Bush's watch
b)  Unemployment is at 9.8%...You guessed it...Obama's watch

These comparisons were actual news reports on the 3 main channels.  Their very-evident biased attitudes were showing with all three reporters.  That just shows that the way things are presented makes all the difference in the world!  Unless you are watching Fox News, you really don't realize what is being shoved down the people's throats! 

My final plea to everyone....PLEASE EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT AND DUTY AND VOTE TOMORROW if you haven't already!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What Are We Thinking?

I know I have said this before, but it seems like our great country is going to hell in a hand-basket!  There was a report of a precious little 7-year old girl who was being taunted because of a neighborhood feud.  A feud that was NOTHING important to begin with.  I believe the Mom had passed away and they created a portrait of her with the Grim Reaper and then showed a picture of the little daughter with her head above a set of cross bones.  Seriously???  Why is it that grown adults think they have the right to taunt children that way?  I am just horrified!  My heart goes out to that little one.  At 7 years old, ALL children have the right to be able to be kids, grow up in a normal environment, and not be tormented by neighborhood bully adults!

Have you seen the report on the doctors doing amputations needlessly?  Yep!  It is happening in Greece!  WHY?  I'm so glad you asked!  Because their Government-run health care (remember....that is what is on the horizon for us) allows the physicians to do foot amputations because it is cheaper than special footwear for the Diabetics!  Sounds ridiculous, huh?  Well, Folks...tighten your seat belts because this is going to be  a very bumpy ride if we don't elect politicians who are willing to overturn the current health-care system.

On a lighter note (because it is better to laugh than to cry!)...did you listen to Obama's speach today?  Well, remember how many times he used the term "shovel-ready projects" during his campaigning for all his stimulus bailouts?  Well, he admited today that there is no such thing as "shovel-ready projects"!  Really, Mr. President???  And, it only took him 21 months to learn that!?   Now, his comment that he looked too much like a "tax and spend liberal democrat" is classic, and is just one step above his saying the he should have let the GOP insist on stimulus tax cuts. 

I don't know about you, but my humble opinion is that he is just speaking out of both sides of his mouth....again!  Of course, he has the democrats upset with him now so they are saying (have realized) that he (Obama) is only good for fundraising!!!  Well, they may have just said something with which I agree....for once!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Socialism...How Can It Be Right For Us?

I received a very interesting email today from a friend on socialism.  While I've understood since the early 80's what socialism was, I never thought I would feel the need to "explain" it to someone else for fear that we, here in the United States, were  headed that way and they wouldn't know just what that entailed!  Why?  Because at face value, it sounds like a terrific idea!  You don't have to pay to go to the doctor?  Or, if you do, it is a minimal amount!   Yeah, but the "rest of the story" is that it is very difficult to even get in to see a doctor.   Really...why do we go to the doctor?  Because we are sick and have a need right at that moment!  We have a few ocassions when we just go for check-ups, but most of the time, we need help. 

Please bear with me through this one today!  I will try to lay it out in the order that it all comes together.  The pieces have to fit for one to be able to see the real dangers in socialism.  This is exactly where we are headed!  Now, Obama made NO pretense about this during his campaigning, but he just didn't call it by its name!  He talked about redistributing wealth. be honest, most people don't have a problem with that...unless they are on the end that is "giving up" the most money.  So, try to imagine you in the upper class that is giving up about 75% of what you make to support those who choose not to work....because they have no desire to work!  After all, they are going to get money and care from the government...YOUR money!  That is where the motivation for entrepreneurship goes out the window.  After all, people have the desire to start new businesses because they see the potential of making more money and bettering themselves.

When it looks like a country is "taking care" of their people, it is because they HAVE TO, because THEY (the government) has all the money!  They give it to whom they please!  What ends up happening is that EVERYONE is poor!!  So, how do they get 75% of your money?  Well, it starts out as a VAT (Value Added Tax)...very low to begin with...may 1 or 2 % of everything you purchase.  When Bob and I go to London, I would love to buy a lot of souveniers, but I hate paying their VAT...since it is a healthy 17.5% now!!!  That means that besides the regular tax you pay on items, they then add the 17.5% tax to the items, thus raising the cost of those items sky high!  So, I come home with no souveniers!  Oh, for the residents of the UK, they have a 50% income tax to begin with....then they have the 17.5% on top of that...a whopping 67.5%!!!  When Obama told us during his campaigning that the taxes for the lower class wouldn't go up "one single dime"...he wasn't being honest!!! don't believe that?  Do you smoke?  (I really hope not!)....But, if you do, your taxes have gone up!  Do you tan?  Taxes are up on tanning!  Now (just in case you haven't heard), they are adding an additional tax to sodas!  I think that probably 90% of the people (rich or poor) drink cokes of some kind!  Taxes up!  Oh...and one of the most important ones...remember when Obama promised us that our utilities were going to sky-rocket???  Well, he was honest there!  If he gets his way, EVERYONE will be paying a truckload more in utilities. 

For just a few more countries tax rates that should scare you to death:
Sweden:  Income tax is 55%; VAT=25%; TOTAL = 80%
Norway:  Income tax is 54.3;  VAT=25%; TOTAL=79.3%
Denmark Income tax is 58%; VAT = 25%; TOTAL=83%
Netherlands; Inc. tax is 52%; VAT = 19%; TOTAL=71%
Finland:  Income Tax is 53%; VAT = 22%; TOTAL = 75%

Bear in mind...the VAT always starts out low (1-2%), but that is just a way for them to be able to convince the people that that is just a small VAT and really needed.  Then, it increases higher and higher until they are taxing everyone about 25% on everything that is purchased!  Let's put it in common, everyday terms:  You go to the store and purchase a pair of shoes for, say, $60.00+ our current 8.25% tax ($4.95) + VAT ($15), brings that pair of shoes to a whopping $90.00.  Now, the last time I checked, every citizen wears shoes.  If that isn't the taxes being raised, I don't know what is!

One last speculation:  I believe that the reason we have other people come to our country to live is for our freedom that no other country has.  Whether they come in legally or illegally, it is so they can enjoy the same freedoms we have.  And, I have to tell you, the majority of them NOW want this Obama-Care!  WHY????  That is just the beginning of our freedoms being shoved out the door! 

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be sure to vote next month!  I believe that every politician in Washington that has served one term should be replaced!!!  When they are making a career of it, they are there for THEM....NOT US!!!  If they belived in the ObamaCare health plan, don't you think they would be willing to be put on the same plan?   But, they are NOT!

Have a great weekend, Friends!  Thanks for letting me vent today!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This One Got My Goat!

I've been pondering all day about Ms. Diaz, the illegal immigrant who worked for Meg Whitman and was fired when she found out she was an illegal immigrant.  Now, she used a fake S.S. number and was paid $23.00 an hour!!!  But, now she wants backpay and reimbursement for mileage as well!!!  I'm extremely surprised that Gloria Allred took the case, but interviewed attorneys say they don't have a case!  A few years back, I would have probably agreed, though I'm not an attorney!  But, today, it seems like the "bad guys" are protected more so than the U.S. citizens...sad!  OK, so Gloria is doing this to help Whitman's opponent in the elections.  What will that really do for him when all is said and done?  It is a known fact that Allred has made donations to Whitman's opponent, so that speaks for itself.

Now, the real reason I've pondered this on and off all day?  Because there is a Federal law in place that is supposed to deal with illegal immigrants, but it seems that the Feds refuse to uphold that law.  Some of them say they feel that they should limit that upholding of the law to those who break the law.  HELLO???!!!??  It may just be me, but where I went to school, the word "ILLEGAL" meant breaking the law. I'm sorry, but if someone is coming over here illegally, they are BREAKING THE LAW!   And in the case of  Ms. Diaz, she broke it further by using a fake S.S. number.  There is just no excuse for anything she has done!  My prediction is that she will be arrested and eventually deported....and end up right back here in the states with a "new" S.S. number. 

When will we wake up?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Voting - The Only Way to Take Back Our Country

In less than a month we will be headed to the polls to once again express our opinions and take a stand in what we believe.  This morning, Fox showed an ad that is being played in Pennsylvania by Governor Ed Rendell.  It reminded me of the typical arrogance that is coming out of Washington these days.  He made the comment, "You don't have to like us, just vote for us!"  Are you kidding me?  If you don't like a politician, there is obviously a reason for that!!!  I believe that the basis for the arrogance is because they have all been in office way too long!!  We should vote a politician out once he has served a term!  They go in and decide make a career of their political position!  The longer they are there, the more arrogant they become.  They stop listening to their constituents and could care less what the people WANT!  They tend to forget that that is why they are in Washington to begin with....the people put them there!  They do so many things that is against our constitution and they get by with it. 

So, my plea to everyone is to VOTE in the November elections!  But, before you do, PLEASE "know before you go"!!!  There are websites that tells about everyone running!  That is the best way to find out about the candidates!  Just knowing the things a candidate has voted on issues can tell you whether he/she believes in the same things you do!  If you need it, when you go to the polls to vote, take a cheat sheet with you. 

Have a great day, Everyone!

Friday, October 1, 2010


I've been debating within myself on what to blog about today! Everything seems like it should come first! I used to look at our political situation as a "troubled world", but now I'm thinking we are a world in trouble! It sickens me to think or where we are headed!

So, I am going to take some time this weekend while my husband and I are tripping around to come up with a schedule on what I want to discuss. I will repeat that I welcome any comments.

I hope each of you have a terrific weekend!

God bless!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Health Insurance Rates

As I was finishing my first blog yesterday, UPS delivered an envelope to our door.  Oh yeah, it is insurance renewal time!  I dreaded opening it because last year at this time, our insurance rates jumped 20-something percent, so I knew it had to be just as bad this year!

When Obama was campaigning, he told us he was going to "reform" the insurance companies in the U.S. and that he would keep our rates from going up because they were, quite frankly, too high already!  OK, I'm paraphrasing!  I really don't think anyone "bought" that line, but..O.K.!  Now, just a few weeks ago, I heard him talking at one of his "little meetings" and he admitted that he KNEW the rates woudl go up...anyone would be stupid (paraphrased again) to think otherwise.  Yeah....NOW we get the truth out of his mouth! 

My surprise in the UPS package was an increase of 29% for our medical coverage!  Two years ago, just before Obama took office, we were paying $954.00/ month for the two of us for insurance.  As of December 1st of this year, we will be paying $1560.80 per month for the two of us!  Now, you are probably thinking we have a really cushy policy, right?  WRONG!!!  It is actually the cheapest policy they offer!  We have a $5,000.00 deductible EACH!  It is an HSA policy, so we have to pay 100% of our medical expenses until the $5,000 deductible is satisfied.  After that, it pays 100%.  As a comparison, I've paid out a little less than half of my deductible this year to date.  The really sad thing is that if it goes up by 29% again next year, I will be paying more for health insurance than our house payment is.

For the benefit of those of you who is fortunate enough to have your employer pay for your health insurance, I hope and pray that things don't change for you!  There are going to be a LOT of companies who stop that benefit for their employees!  The government has said that they are going to fine the companies who don't offer their employees health insurance, but that fact of the matter is, they can pay those fines to the government a LOT cheaper than they can pay for coverage for the employees!  When I worked in the public workplace and was able to get health insurance for a really low amount, I believed that that is what the insurance cost was...or really close.  That really isn't the case!  Now, I just learned last weekend that the cost of the insurance that the employer pays will be added to the employees wages and you will have to pay taxes on that amount of money just as if you had earned that money! 

There are so many of these little things that are taking place that it is very frightening!  BUT, now that I have vented over my health insurance cost rising, I'm going to put it aside and have a great day!  I hope you do the same!